Wisconsin Coalition Hails Local Efforts Regulating WakeEnhanced Boats
Over 200 Lakes and 33 Towns Have Taken Action to Protect their Lakes– Numbers Growing Rapidly
Madison… A new, rapidly growing coalition focused on protecting Wisconsin’s lakes recently highlighted the growth of local communities and lakes rallying to protect our state’s waterways. “Last year, there were less than 20 lakes regulated for wake-enhanced boating. Today, the number is over 200, and more are contacting us daily. Towns have also taken action, with 33 towns regulating wake-enhanced boating. We’ve seen a tremendous increase in local communities recognizing the impacts of wake-enhanced boating and subsequently taking action to protect their natural resources through local ordinances,” remarked Jeff Meessmann, Director, Last Wilderness Alliance.
The Last Wilderness Alliance, a founding coalition member, assists Wisconsin towns and their lake advocates through the process of developing local ordinances to regulate enhanced wakes and has developed a standard template that local governments can leverage to avoid the implementation of ordinances with vastly different language. Local ordinance support can be requested here: https://lastwildernessalliance.org/contact
The coalition represents Wisconsin fishing experts/enthusiasts, advocates for local control, lake property landowners, sailors, those concerned with spreading invasive species, and others. All are concerned about the devastating impacts of wake-enhanced boating on Wisconsin’s glacial lakes and other waterways.
Members of the coalition include: First Chapter Muskies, Inc., Walleyes for Tomorrow, Headwater Chapter Muskies, Inc., Diamond Lakers, Inc., Trout Unlimited Inc., Yahara Fishing Club, Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association, Lakes at Stake Wisconsin, Last Wilderness Alliance, Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, Wisconsin Lakes Association, Wisconsin’s Green Fire, Sawyer County Lakes Forum, Buffalo County Conservation Alliance, Mondovi Conservation Club, Oneida County Lakes and Rivers Association, Burnett County Lakes and Rivers Association, Oneida County Clean Waters Action, Izaak Walton League of America – Wisconsin Division, Wisconsin Trappers Association, Washburn County Lakes and Rivers Association, Winnebagoland Conservation Alliance, Friends of the Kettle Moraine State Forest-Northern Unit, Musky Fool Fly Fishing Company, Lake George Lake Association, Chippewa Flowage Area Property Owners Association.
“Until elected and appointed state officials take action against the damage to Wisconsin lakes and waterways by these boats, we will need to continue to fight in every town and for every lake. Locals are demanding something be done – and that is why this coalition is growing so rapidly,” stated Joe Garstecki of Lakes at Stake Wisconsin.
Wisconsin citizens clearly spoke this past Spring at the Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) where over 75% of voters expressing an opinion, supported a resolution restricting the “generation of intentionally magnified wakes for wake surfing” to lakes at least 1,500 acres in size, at depths of at least 20 ft, while operating at least 700 ft from shore or other lake users. The WCC vote on this question was 10,274 in favor and only 3,363 opposed. Link https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/sites/default/files/topic/About/WCC/2024/SpringHearing/2024_Statew ideResults_FINAL.pdf
“Wake-enhanced boating is creating tension between neighbors. It is incredibly sad and unfortunate. I’m perplexed why someone would want to purchase a $250,000 boat and use it when their neighbors are all giving them dirty looks. It seems like a purchase you wouldn’t want to make if you wanted peace with your neighbors and fellow lake users,” said Cody Kamrowski, Executive Director of Wisconsin Wildlife Federation.
The growth in local ordinances addressing wake-enhanced boating is reflected in the organic growth of this coalition as more Wisconsinites are realizing the damage this type of boating can do to our waterways. For a list of towns that have taken action against the destruction of wake enhanced boating, click here https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60cbf64f0c7c872f03a0a897/t/67087fa1b6286e0ae1852537 /1728610210242/WISCONSIN+TOWNS+WITH+ORDINANCES+SPECIFIC+TO+WAKE+S URFING+Oct+10%5ELJ+2024.pdf
However, there are still thousands of Wisconsin lakes (and some rivers) that are not protected by a local ordinance. The coalition’s proposed State minimum standards offer a baseline of protection to all our water bodies while still allowing towns to maintain their long-standing right for local control to continue to protect their lakes beyond state minimums.