OCLRA Board – June Hybrid Meeting
Date: Monday, June 10, 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Location: Rhinelander ADRC, Tamarack Room
To join the hybrid Zoom meeting via computer, click on this link:
Meeting ID: 871 9300 8360
Passcode: 529369
To join the hybrid meeting via phone (audio only) dial:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Commence meeting
Approve minutes – May Board Meeting
Approve treasurer’s report – Tom LaDue
Old Business
1. P&D Committee report
2. Shoreline Clear-Cutting Amendment Update
3. Wake regulation updates
4. Lake Steward Initiative/Healthy Lakes and Rivers
— Moen Chain
— Pelican Lake?
5. Six-County Meeting: Update
6. Logo concepts – Status report
7. Organization reports (WI Lakes, River Alliance, WI Wetlands, WWF)
8. _____________________________
New business
1. Tom Rudolph Tribute
2. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update
3. Membership renewals
4. ______________________________
Set next meeting date