Clean Water Act funds for lake improvement? NALMS plans campaign
Did you know that the Clean Water Act once included funds available for monitoring and improving water quality in inland lakes such as those in Oneida County? Such funds were included under Section 314 when the CWA was passed in 1972, but that funding dried up about 25 years ago. Now the North American Lake Management Society has launched an initiative to have funding for inland lakes restored. If successful, the impact on our lakes could be significant. A NALMS working group is developing an advocacy campaign to restore Section 314 funding to allow diagnostic-feasibility studies to be conducted on lakes across the country, and to enhance Section 314 by including funding to preserve and protect high-quality waters. NALMS has hired an intern to support the working group by developing materials about the importance of the 314 program and the value of lakes to the national, state and local economies and the American way of life. OCLRA will support this endeavor. You can read a NALMS position statement on the initiative here.